Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Best 2 Ways To Attack (Commands)

The Best 2 Ways To Attack (Commands).

In this and the following post in my blog, i'll teach you about the best 2 ways to attack in DMO. This post will give details about the use of Commands to attack effectively in DMO.

 As you can see in your game's interface, there's a list of Commands ranging from 1 to 8 in your Tamer's slotbar, that can be used as shortcuts with your keyboard to avoid clicking in DMO in order to give Commands to your Digimon.

 By default, the Command shortcuts shown in the Tamer's slotbar go as follows:
1-Attack: Makes your Digimon attack.
2-Follow: Makes your Digimon stop fighting and follow your Tamer.
3-Wait: Makes your Digimon stop and stay still in place as long as you stay nearby, otherwise it will follow you if you get too far away from your Digimon.
4-Loot: Makes your Tamer go towards the nearest item dropped on the ground and pick it up if possible.
5-Change 1: Switches Digimon to the one stored in your Digivice's 2nd slot.
6-Change 2: Switches Digimon to the one stored in your Digivice's 3rd slot.
7-Change 3: Switches Digimon to the one stored in your Digivice's 4th slot.
8-Empty, customizable Command.

 Although it may seem obvious, remember that the Change Commands only work if you have more than one Digimon in your Team. You may also add more custom Commands to a 2nd slotbar for your Tamer, or change the default ones to another slot from your slotbar.

 In order to battle effectively with the use of Commands, you need to use them in conjunction. The effect it haves to use many Commands in quick succession is a considerable increase in your Digimon's combo speed and accuracy, as well as to help saving time during battles with wild Digimon. The way to do it is to choose only 2 from the default Commands: Attack and Follow/Wait (assigned by default to keys 1, 2 & 3 from your keyboard respectively).

 To use this attack technique, you have to tap 1+2 or 1+3 quickly while your Digimon is attacking, even though 1+3 combination is more effective as your Digimon won't move from place while using that combo. It also won't miss hits as much as it would usually do without using this technique so it's quite handy to avoid wasting both time and healing items with your Digimon during battle.

 This is all about the use of Commands to attack effectively in DMO, in the next post i'll give details about the other technique to attack effectively in DMO: the use of the Skill Breakers. See you soon. ;)


  1. I know skill breaker, but i did not known this technique before, really useful and helpful, i need to practice it later in DMO.
    Tamer: nyam2 ,,server Barbamon (not useful xd)

    1. I hope you can get to master it eventually, even though i didn't get to understand what you meant on the last part of your comment. You mean your tamer isn't useful or what? Anyway thanx for reading, and commenting. ;)
