Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Hatching Digieggs

Hatching Digieggs.

For those who had just begun with DMO, here's a brief tutorial about how to hatch Digieggs in order to get new Digimon for your team. I'll describe it for you in a list format so it's easier for you to read. Here we go:

1-The first thing you'll need is of course a Mercenary Digiegg. To distinguish Mercenary Digieggs from regular ones is quite easy, they are the biggest ones with a colorful, bright aura around while on the ground, and have a blue-colored border with blue background. In order to get one, you need to go and kill any Digimon who's in the evolutionary line of the Digimon you want to get (except In-Training Digimon as they don't drop Mercenary Digieggs at all).

 Ex.: if you want to get Agumon (Classic) you would have to kill whether Greymon, MetalGreymon or WarGreymon around DMO, as Agumon (Classic) as such doesn't appear as an enemy here. Notice you could also get BlackAgumon Digieggs from them as well, but it depends mostly on which Digimon you're looking for.

2-Once you got the Mercenary Digieggs, which can be stacked up to 10 units per inventory space, you have to gather DATA in order to try and hatch the Digieggs. To get DATA Chips for the Digieggs, you have to also kill wild Digimon around the game, except the kind of Digiegg that haves DATA Chips inside all the time is the one with green-colored border, with a Scanning Cost of 125Bits.

3-After you got both the Mercenary Digieggs and the DATA Chips needed to hatch your future new Digimon, it comes the hardest part of the process, the hatching. To hatch a new Digimon, you must use the Incubator which is located on many spots around the game. Bear in mind that this is quite random and difficult to achieve as it depends almost totally on your own luck, even though there are methods or items that help you increase your chances to succeed.

4-So, to use the Incubator you have to Register the Digiegg from the Digimon you wish to hatch and then Input DATA to it via the Incubator, which brings the Digimon across 5 stages or sizes from that Digiegg, ranging from 0 to a max of 5, with 3 being the minimum stage needed to actually hatch the new Digimon. Remember that you could fail to go to the next stage at any moment, situation that could bring 2 possible results (both negative ones). Those can be the loss of the DATA Chips used, or the DATA Chips AND the Digiegg itself. So be careful when trying to hatch a new Digimon as you'll need lots of patience, and of course luck.

5-If you manage to achieve your Digimon's desired size, you may then Hatch it and give it a cool name to welcome a new partner for your team from then on. Congratulations for your new Digimon. ;)

 I hope this brief tutorial has been of help for you. I'll make another post giving you hints on having an easier time hatching new Digimon. See you soon. ;)

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